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Reducing downtime, shear stress and contamination risks in your pumping process

In (biopharmaceutical) processes where fluids are moved around, it’s possible that shear stress occurs. This can damage the vulnerable product, which should always be prevented to guarantee patient safety and the quality of medicine. To show you how you can reduce shear stress and damage to the product, Hitma and our supplier PSG BioTech are joining forces to organize a free webinar. On Thursday, 6th of June 2024 at 10 a.m., you’ll find out everything there is to know about ensuring a safe and highly efficient pumping process.

Webinar contents
Within 60 minutes you’ll learn that implementing innovative pump technology is an investment in a safe and sound process, while also optimizing operational efficiency by reducing downtime and ensuring a continuous and smooth flow throughout the process.
During this interactive webinar Hitma single-use specialist Kevin de Jager and PSG BioTech’s Bas van Ravenswaaij (Business Development Manager) will tell you how you can reduce downtime, costs, shear stress and contamination risks by using innovative pumps. Of course, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask our speakers your burning questions. 

Agenda June 6th 2024 10.00 – 11.00
  • How to reduce operational problems and eliminate risks
  • Optimize operational efficiency
  • Different applications of pumps
  • Single-use vs. multiple-use pumps
  • Pumps and sustainability
  • Q&A

Do you want to know how you can reduce downtime, shear stress, costs and contamination risks in your pumping process? Register now for the webinar hosted by Kevin de Jager and Bas van Ravenswaaij on June 6th 2024 from 10.00 to 11.00 a.m. 
Presentation by
Kevin de Jager
Specialist single-use

Bas van Ravenswaaij
Business Development Manager
PSG BioTech
1 hour

​​​​​​​You can follow the webinar on your computer, tablet or phone. 

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